Studio Album
This is an album inspired by the life of the musician who created the love story between a frog and himself. This product is the 3rd album in his career. With a lot of heart and passion, the rebellious melodies seem to express the torment inside him.
Producer: IAN
Painter: Pulu
Designer: Pulu
Photographer: Justin, Khanh Au

Indescribable memories keep coming back to lonely times.
All kind of love won't be what it is if you don't know how to love yourself.

We based on the story of Pope Alexander VI, what told in a historical-fiction drama television series created by director Neil Jordan.
The frog is a form of the soul that wanders while the body is asleep. The outside may be flashy and extravagant, but the inside is very emotional and sincere. Frogs have a habit of inhaling a lot of air and storing it in their bodies. It can be greed or it can also be a feeling of not being able to tell anyone.
The image of a frog against its natural enemy is a snake to protect his eggs, similar to The Pope Alexander VI who temporarily put aside power and politics (didn't wear The Papal Tiara, but put it on the pedestal) to protect the child.

By line art, we want to show iconic details with its meaning. The Papal Tiara not worn on the head, but removed and placed on a pedestal. It shows that Borgia has temporarily put aside responsibility to God, to protect her son from danger. An extremely scary red snake is trying to attack the boy who is the son of the pope.
We illustrated humanity in the pope's action that is prevented but not kill the snake. Right above, this is the movement of holding the cross with 3 fingers to create a 3-legged stance that is the balance between power, family and himself.
All the actions come from love. Not like what others see in his appearance.

The artwork emphasizes the value of love in all situations.

Demo one song in the album by Lyric video.
Press "Play" to listen the music!