Key Visual
Creative Director: NEXT Creative
Art Director: Pulu Studio
Sketching: Tuong Van
Painter: Pulu
Project Manager: Tan Le
We created this project based on the orders of PNJ Jewellery brand in Vietnam. Wishing to bring an intuitive and highly competitive image. Based on the image of a golden buffalo as the zodiac sign representing the year 2021, The God of Fortune represents prosperity, money and wealth. The God of Fortune PNJ will bring good things and riches to everyone.
All images below are not official products.
They are only demo to display the artwork.
Official products are produced and circulated internally by PNJ Vietnam.

Sketching for Key Visual overview

The symbol "Chrysanthemum hugging money" is a special symbol of the brand during the festive seasons.

The image of The God of Fortune riding the Golden Buffalo was chosen to bring prosperity to all families.